Yesterday we looked at the potentialities of the English Missal and considered the potential enrichment to be found within the use of a qualitative form of liturgical English within a Catholic liturgical context. In so doing, I also reference Fr. Hunwicke's own thoughts around the same.
Now, today, I wished to turn thoughts once again toward Fr. Hunwicke, this time within the context of the "Latin Mass" and his recent direction of a Latin course. (A quite unintended, but wonderfully symbolic exemplification of how these questions and goals do not have to be mutually exclusive I think.)
At any rate, you can read more about what was going on on the blog of the chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales but here are just a few photos to give you a taste of some of the things Fr. Hunwicke is up to these days.
Here too is a photo of a Solemn Mass offered by Fr. Hunwicke:
Photos by Joseph Shaw