As you know, Pope Benedict XVI has recently been in Mexico, followed by Cuba.
I picked up this interesting little tidbit in a Reuters story, "What does a pope do?" Fidel Castro asks Benedict.
In the course of that conversation between the Pope and former Cuban president, Fidel Castro asked an interesting question of the Pope:
Castro questioned Benedict about changes in Church liturgy and asked the pope to send him a book to help him reflect. The pope said he would think of which one to send, but had not yet decided, Lombardi said.
I find the fact that Castro asked this question interesting. Without having full benefit of the conversation, my sense is that this somehow speaks, whether directly or indirectly, to the reality of the effect, and hence the gravity, of changes to the sacred liturgy and why such cannot be done arbitrarily, either by legitimate authority (cf. CCC 1125), nor certainly by any member of the church, lay or clerical, on their own whim and initiative.
I'd be rather interested to hear what book the Holy Father will recommend.