Bearing those realities in mind, I still thought it would be of interest to know what you did see out there this Sunday past. So then, an NLM poll:
In addition, I thought some of our readers would enjoy the following photos of another rose set that our own Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P., sent to me yesterday. The vestments come from St Albert's Priory in Edinburgh and Fr. Lawrence notes that "the chasuble is from the Ditchling Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic in a sort of conical shape, and was probably dyed and woven by Valentine KilBride who joined the Guild in 1926."
Very interesting and very dignified I think -- and certainly another of the diverse ways that noble beauty can be expressed, this time as seen through the lens of a vestment of great sobriety and simplicity, but a sobriety and simplicity that does not lack in beauty and warmth and which is clearly an echo from our Roman liturgical patrimony.