A few more of the icons from the exhibit at the Vatican Museums which was reported on last week.

The image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (Achiropita), with Saints Nicholas and George; studio of K. Gan, St. Petersburg, 1890-95. ca.

Another Savior "Achiropita", with Saints Sergei of Radonezh and Nicholas; studio of A. Makhalova, Moscow, 1904.

Our Lady of Iveron, (or Iver); the original is kept in the Georgian Iviron monastery of Mount Athos. This copy by the Ovchinnikov studio (Moscow, 1899-1908) is especially notable for the elaborate filigree work and semi-precious stones.

Two images of Our Lady of Kazan by two different craftsmen, (left, D. Smirnov; right, Sergei Zharov), both made in Moscow between 1908 and 1917. The extraordinarily high quality of the frames, which are encrusted with silver and pearls, may be taken as indicative of the great veneration for Our Lady of Kazan in Russia; both Saint Petersburg and Moscow have cathedrals dedicated to the Virgin Mary under this title.

Our Lady of Vladimir, by V. Guryanov. Moscow, 1898.

In this 1895 work of the Fabergé studio, a prayer is written in Old Church Slavonic in extremely small letters on the stone held by the angel.

Saints Mary Magdalene, Peter and Paul the Apostles, Sergei of Radonezh and Prince Alexander Nevsky; Tarabrov studio, Moscow, 1908.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, by the Mishukov studio, Moscow, 1903-08.

The very first of the
Fabergé Easter eggs, a present from Tsar Alexander III to his wife the Tsarina Maria Fedorovna for the Easter of 1885.