Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Liturgical Life of the St. Philips Preparatory School for Boys

The St. Philips School for Boys is a small Catholic preparatory school in South Kensington, London. They use the Little Oratory of the London Oratory for all of their Masses and other services, and their chaplain is a priest of the Oxford Oratory.

The school has Mass for its students in both the modern and ancient Roman liturgical forms, with chant, hymns and polyphony featuring in both.

Here is a visual sampling of some of their annual liturgical events.

Requiem (Usus Antiquior)

(I would point out, as we are approaching All Souls, do take note of the unbleached beeswax candles, as well as the more sombre altar cross and candlesticks.)

Carol Service

Solemn Benediction

Pontifical Mass, St. Philip's Day (Modern Roman Liturgy)

School Mass (Modern Roman Liturgy)

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