Monday, September 27, 2010

The Work of Swedish Artist Lars Gerdmars

Quite some time ago, the iconographically inspired work of Swedish artist Lars Gerdmars was brought to my attention. His work struck me because of the variety of influences that I believe can be seen within it. Evidently the Byzantine and Russian on the one hand, but there are also Western and even modern qualities to the work. Indeed, as it turns out, Mr. Gerdmars himself notes these various influences in the biographical section of his website [The following is an NLM translation]:

I have learnt to paint in the classical Russian style of the 1300 and 1400's. But I have also taken lessons from the late medieval Italian art... as expressed by painters as Duccio, Cimabue and Giotto. A meeting with Leonid Ouspensky (1902-1987) and his outstanding icon painting in Paris in 1981 made a deep and lasting impression... Today, I have developed my own style and painting technique in which aspects of both the Russian, Greek and Italian traditions interact.

Here is some of his work, beginning with a few details.


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Source: Imago Nova Ikongalleri
Photos: Bo Wiberg

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