Monday, September 27, 2010

Mass and Vespers in Honour of Newman at the Toronto Oratory

Continuing on with our coverage of liturgical events related to Newman's beatification, the Toronto Oratory is offering a Solemn Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman in the usus antiquior this Sunday, October 3rd at 11:30am at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Toronto, with Fr. Romanus Cessario, O.P. present as guest preacher.

Further, the same day at 5:00pm, Solemn Vespers of Thanksgiving will be offered at Holy Family Church.

For those in the Toronto area, I would strongly encourage you to attend both of these events, not only in commemoration of this blessed event, but also in support of the Toronto Oratory.

Those who have other similar events they would like to advertise, please use the comments.

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