At Shawn's request, I am pleased to inform our NLM readers of the Ordination on 24 July 2010 of two Dominican friars, Fr Thomas Skeats OP and Fr Robert Gay OP to the Sacred Priesthood. During the same Mass, I, Br Lawrence Lew OP, was also ordained to the Diaconate. The ordaining bishop was His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham.
Of your charity, please pray for us, that we may be faithful and true ministers of Christ.
The Mass ordinary was Byrd's Mass for Four Voices, and motets included 'Sacerdotes Domini' and 'Ave Verum' by Byrd, as well as the litany, and propers from the Dominican Gradual for a votive Mass of the Holy Spirit. Nicholas Kenworthy-Browne, a local composer and conductor at Blackfriars set the words of the Gradual psalm to choral music for four voices.
Below are some photos from the ordination: