As many know, I am always eager to point out examples such as these so that parish priests and liturgical artisans might be inspired by such examples, perhaps using them as models in their own liturgical pursuits.
As I always do when struck by such impressions, I asked myself the question, why? What particular aspects made these appealing? In this particular instance, I find that the base textile itself has a richness and subtle sort of complexity to it, both in colour and pattern, that works well and yet which is also not overstated -- mind you, bold colour contrasts can also be effective as Pugin so masterfully showed in his own vestment work. In addition, I was impressed by the designs on hood of the cope and also in the orphreys; these also exhibit a good and tasteful use of colour as well as a clarity of design, emphasized by the strong linear qualities of the design.
Here is a detail which might help to illustrate:

There is certainly a strong, Pugin-like quality to this set of vestments -- most particularly the cope. These vestments bring the kind of dignity and nobility which is well suited to the sacred liturgy -- and which we should indeed expect for it.