As you can see, the emblem is made up of a few elements. The primary element is a smoking thurible, which evidently makes reference to aspects liturgical and sacrificial. Around this are the words, "DIRIGATUR • ORATIO • MEA • SICUT • INCENSUM", a truncated reference to this verse in the Psalms: "Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight; the lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice." This verse has many liturgical angles of course including the desire that our liturgical prayer, our liturgical worship be pleasing to God. (This particular version of the emblem is intended as the masthead version. A second version of this will also exist with the words "Novus Motus Liturgicus" in place of the above text -- intended for possible use outside of the site itself.)
The Chi-Rho has been included above the thurible, which comes in reference to Jesus Christ first and foremost, but also as a reference back to the original 20th century Liturgical Movement, from whence this ancient Christian symbol gained a renewed presence in so much liturgical art of the time.
Evidently, many will miss the wonderful, hand drawn coat of arms of Benedict XVI that graced the NLM masthead here for a couple of years, but what that loss now presents us with is an original design which is unique and specific to the NLM.
The new design will be incorporated into the NLM masthead soon.
Comments are welcome.