Some of the offerings include, An Offering of Beauty by Evan McWilliams, Back to the Future: Ecclesiastical Art after Postmodernism by Dr. Janet Rutherford and Praise with Majesty and Reverence, written by a member of the Maronite Patriarchate of Antioch. Amongst the many book reviews available online is a review of Dr. Denis McNamara's book, Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy.
Rather than summarizing each of these, I will simply draw your attention to them for your own consideration and reading pleasure.
While Sacred Architecture does give a very liberal dose of its articles online, I would certainly encourage you to consider taking out a subscription (which costs but $9.50 USD per year). While only published twice per year, aside from the interesting articles, it always includes a number of beautiful colour reproductions of sacred architecture within, as well as an always interesting survey of news related to the world of sacred architecture -- something not available online to my knowledge.
It is an excellent periodical; one I am always delighted to receive in my mailbox.
Related to the matter of the photographic imagery found in the journal, I wished to point out the following two images found within the context of Dr. Rutherford's piece, "Back to the Future: Ecclesiastical Art after Postmodernism" which show work from the Beuron School.

The Mother of God Enthoned in Glory with Saints Benedict and Scholastica, Saint Maurus Chapel, Beuron, Germany. Architect Desiderius Lenz, artist Gabriel Wüger. Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom in the sanctuary of the Church of Annunciation in Prague-Smíchov, in the Beuron School.