Recently, Daniel informed us that he has taken the step of resigning from his full time position "in order to devote more time to my work as an illustrator."
Daniel continues (NLM emphases):
Some of the immediate effects that this will have on my work:
First: I now have time to complete some ambitious projects on speculation - illustration cycles, color works on goatskin parchment with gold leaf, altar cards, illuminated books - that I have postponed for years.
Second: I will be able to complete commissioned work much more quickly. Smaller commissions like custom bookplates, invitations, book covers, luthiers' labels, calling cards, business cards, holiday cards, stationary and wine labels might be finished in a day or two.
Third: Until recently, I declined commissions for freelance work in liturgical design due to a conflict of interest with my full-time job. As that conflict no longer exists, I would be happy to undertake this sort of work, especially the design of religious vestments.
While I have emphasized those things which are particularly liturgical, evidently various possibilities exist which may be of interest to individuals, parishes or organizations.
Here are a few examples of Daniel's illustration work, taken from his website.

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Speaking of original altar cards, I have always been quite taken by this set, designed by Nina Somerset.
Altar cards by Nina Somerset