Many will be interested to know that tomorrow, Wednesday April 21st, the BBC program Choral Evensong will be airing Choral Vespers for the Feast of St Anselm live from the London Oratory at 4:00pm GMT (which is 11:00am EDT). This will then be available to listen to on-demand for one week thereafter.
The musical programme will include:
Organ Prelude: Plein Jeu (Magnificat in G) (Dandrieu)
Invitatory: Deus in adjutorium meum (Gastoldi)
Antiphons & Psalms: 110, 111, 112, 113, 117 (Plainsong)
Hymn: Iste confessor (Victoria)
Antiphon: O Doctor optime (Plainsong)
Canticle: Magnificat secundi toni (Victoria)
Motet: Beati quorum via (Stanford)
Antiphon of Our Lady: Regina caeli (Howells)
Organ Voluntary: Toccata (Marcel Lanquetuit)
Celebrant: The Revd Fr. George Bowen
Director of Music: Patrick Russill
Organist: John McGrea.
This is a good opportunity to listen to sung parish vespers in the excellent tradition of the English oratories.