Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Abbatial Blessing at Clear Creek Abbey

Many of our readers have expressed their eagerness to see some news and photos from the recent Abbatial Blessing of Dom Philip Anderson of Clear Creek Abbey. That blessing occured this past Saturday within the Octave of Easter, April 10th, 2010. The blessing was conferred by Bishop Edward Slattery, the Bishop of Tulsa.

In the booklet which was made available for the Abbatial Blessing, the following is noted about the ceremony:

The Rite of the blessing of an Abbot by the Bishop is referred to in the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict and attested to a half century later under Pope Saint Gregory the Great († 604), then in the eighth century. The Bishop surrounded by other Prelates, conferred on the new abbot his crozier and sandals. In our day, the present Rite brings out the liturgical enrichments over the course of the centuries.

The blessing takes place during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, after the Gospel. The Rite of blessing is composed of the presentation of the Abbot to the Bishop by two of his Monks, a brief questioning after the homily of the Bishop, and finally the solemn Blessing, which is preceded by the Litany of the Saints. The Rite is concluded with the handing over of the Rule and the Abbatial Insignia (ring, miter, and crozier) and the kiss of peace, followed by the obedience of the new Abbot’s monks.

Then Father Abbot concelebrates Mass beside the bishop.

Some photographs have been made available here, but so far, none that specifically focus on the liturgical rites themselves. If the NLM sees any such, we will be certain to publish them.

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