Following my own advice that it is never too late to get started on a good Lenten project, it struck me today that, while many of us are not so blessed as the men of the Pontifical North American College, to be able to make pilgrimage each day to the Roman stational churches, we might at least do it online by seeing these churches on their proper day.
Evidently this series will entail finding pictures of each of these stations, but we will do our best to source these out. (If there is any PNAC seminarian or reader in Rome who is making these stations and who would like to volunteer to photograph and send in photographs for this purpose, please write me. We would, however, need these the same day of course.)
For those who are unfamiliar with the stational churches, or only vaguely familiar, do watch for a forthcoming NLM article where we intend to explain a bit about the history of the stational churches.
We are nine days into Lent and so we will play a bit of catch up, re-capping the last nine stational churches. (And as we are indeed catching up with nine stations, we shall keep it brief.)
Station: S. Sabina all’Aventino
(Collecta: S. Anastasia)

Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Station: S. Giorgio al Velabro
(Collecta: S. Nicola in Carcere)
Friday after Ash Wednesday
Station: Ss. Giovanni e Paolo
(Collecta: S. Lucia in Septizonio)

(Image source)
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Station: S. Agostino
(Collecta: S. Lorenzo in Lucina)
[Prior to the 16th century, the Station was at the church of St. Trypho, but, according to Schuster, due to that church's ruinous state, Clement VIII transferred the relics and the station to S. Agostino]

First Sunday in Lent
Station: St. John Lateran

Monday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
Station: S. Pietro in Vincoli
(Collecta: Ss. Cosma e Damiano)

(Image source)
Tuesday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
Station: S. Anastasia al Palatino
(Collecta: S. Nicola in Carcere)

Ember Wednesday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
Station: St. Mary Major
(Collecta: S. Petri ad Vincula)

Thursday after the 1st Sunday in Lent
Station: S. Lorenzo in Panisperna
(Collecta: S. Agata dei Goti)

(Image source)