From Zenit yesterday: Oldest Christian Monastery Renovated.
AL-ZAAFARANA, Egypt, FEB. 11, 2010 (Zenit.org).- After eight years of renovation, the Monastery of St. Anthony, the world's oldest, opened its doors to pilgrims.
The Coptic Orthodox monastery was built around 356 at the burial site of St. Antony of Egypt, also known as St. Anthony the Great, at the foot of the Red Sea mountains near the town of Al-Zaafarana.
ABC News also carries the story:
Made of sand-colored stone, the Coptic Orthodox monastery of St. Anthony -- or Anthony the Great -- is believed to be 1,600 years old and to have been founded on St. Anthony's burial site. It was recently restored to its former splendor by the Egyptian government as part of a restoration project.