As some of you have no doubt noticed, the NLM comments window looks different. This is due to the fact that we finally received our notice that could upgrade -- and indeed, that we had 2 weeks to do so.
As a result, this is a bit of a work in progress that I am working on with the technicians on the other side of this comment engine. Going with this option allowed historical comments to remain -- that was otherwise not assured.
New Features
I would note a few new features that are already available. Below each comment are some options you may now use.
One is the "Flag" option for flagging comments that you believe are inappropriate. There is also a "Like" option to suggest your approval, and finally a "Reply" option to respond to a particular comment.
There are some other options which I will be investigating further before enabling, including "Facebook Connect".
Bear with me as I work through this new service and some of the configurations that need to happen.