The Liturgical Subject
Subject, Subjectivity, and the Human Person in Contemporary Liturgical Discussion and Critique
Edited by James G. Leachman, OSB
The Liturgical Subject brings together in one volume a wide—sometimes divergent—range of understandings of the liturgy. Written primarily by Roman Catholics, with one important ecumenical contribution, the publication of these essays at this moment is particularly apt. There is widespread reassessment of various aspects of especially the post-Conciliar period of liturgical reform. The essays reflect the breadth of concerns that arise in that debate. At the same time the collection indicates how liturgical study is called to account by, and is itself able to question, the philosophical aspects of its work. This is an area of enquiry as yet in its infancy, whose contours are nevertheless already discernible in the papers gathered here. This volume is a landmark for research of this kind, pointing toward further ecumenical dialogue and contributing to more fundamental studies of liturgy.
Contributors: Laurence Paul Hemming, Robert Barron, Angelo Manuel dos Santos Cardita, László Dobszay, Eduardo J. Echeverria, Bruce E. Harbert, Zsolt Ilyés, Peter A. Kwasniewski, James G. Leachman, O.S.B., Daniel P. McCarthy, O.S.B., Enrico Mazza, Simon Oliver, Denis Robinson, O.S.B.
Fr. James B. Leachman, O.S.B., is professor of liturgical spirituality and professor of liturgy of the Churches of the Reformation at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Rome.
ADVANCE PRAISE: “This collection of essays makes a significant contribution to the field of liturgical studies. Many are original in the best sense that theological work can be: grounded in the authentic tradition, perceptive, imaginative and capable of giving readers new insights into, and a fresh appreciation of, timeless truths. Taken together they will attract readers from a variety of disciplines, in the first place because worship is an essential aspect of every Christian life, and in the second because the essays are written from, or informed by, the perspectives of a range of related disciplines: doctrinal and spiritual theology, history, philosophy, and liturgical studies.” — Lauren Pristas, Caldwell College
“The essays in this book grapple with the basic question: ‘Who celebrates the liturgy?’ By delving into the complex interrelationship between the divine initiative (liturgy as opus Trinitatis) and the human response (liturgy as opus hominis), between the action of Christ and the Church and the participation of the individual Christian, the authors—coming from a wide range of theological disciplines—make a stimulating contribution to contemporary liturgical theology.” — Cassian Folsom, O.S.B., Pontifico Instituto Liturgico, Rome
Paper Edition 2009
288 pages
ISBN 10: 0-268-03410-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-268-03410-8
To order: The Liturgical Subject, University of Notre Dame Press