St. Mary Magdalen's, Brighton
We begin with a priest who will be familiar with you, Fr. Raymond Blake whose All Souls Day pictures I came across on his site.

(You will note the unbleached beeswax candles)

(The deacon for the Mass was the Rev. Dr. Alcuin Reid)
St. Joseph Church, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
A parish we have featured recently is that of St. Joseph in Woonsocket, RI., where Fr. Michael Woolley offered a Requiem Mass according to the usus antiquior.
Father reports to the NLM that this Mass saw 45 Eighth grade Catholic school students in attendance, who were experiencing the usus antiquior for the first time -- with preparation.

(Note the Requiem version of the Altar Cards)

(This chasuble uses a rather striking brocade)

(You will note here that the candlesticks by the catafalque are not only unbleached, but that the more sombre candlesticks that are a part of our tradition are also employed as well)
A Parish in Bury, England
Finally, photos were sent in from a parish in Bury, in the Diocese of Salford, England, of a Requiem Mass celebrated on November 6th. The parish uses both forms of the Roman liturgy.
The choir sang Faure's Requiem and the celebrant was Fr. Francis Wadsworth.

(Nice to again see unbleached beeswax candles used)