The parish brings to our attention their regular schedule of Masses, which includes Masses in both the ancient and modern forms of the Roman liturgy -- and done within a spirit of continuity, or reform in continuity.
The parish priest is Fr. Stanley Klores and the parish features as part of its weekly schedule both a Sunday 9:30am Mass according to the usus antiquior (Missa Cantata for most Sundays and a Solemn Mass at least monthly we are informed) as well as an 11:00am Mass according to the modern Roman liturgical books, also celebrated ad orientem with chant, and in a mixture of Latin and English.
I was also very interested to hear that this parish is taking advantage of the option to do the Epistle and Gospel directly in vernacular within their Sunday usus antiquior as well.
The traditional manner of receiving communion kneeling and at a communion rail is encouraged for all parish liturgies, in both forms, and Masses which are done versus populum employ the "Benedictine arrangement."
The parish sent us some photos of their recent All Saints Day Masses, showing both of the forms in use at this parish.

Modern Roman Liturgy

Other photos are viewable here.