Sullivan at the Birmingham Oratory: St Josaphat, Newman and True Ecumenism
Father Paul Chavasse celebrates Mass in Newman's private chapel, with Revd Jack Sullivan assisting as deacon, Feast of St Josaphat
Jack Sullivan has visited the Birmingham Oratory in England, the focus of his week-long stay in England. On Wednesday morning, Jack, with his wife Carol, visited Rednal, where Newman was buried among his Oratorian brethren. Jack also visited the Oratory Primary School, where he was interviewed by some of the pupils. He then came to the Oratory, on the Hagley Road, where Newman lived from 1852-1890. Jack Sullivan was deacon at a well-attended Mass in the Oratory Church. In the afternoon, he visited Newman’s room and library, and did an interview with EWTN, the American Catholic television network. Jack Sullivan also spent time in prayer before Newman’s remains, now venerated in the Oratory Church.
This morning, Thursday, Father Paul Chavasse, Actor of Newman’s Cause, celebrated Mass in Newman’s private chapel, with Jack Sullivan assisting as deacon.
With his Apostolic Constitution on the reception of Anglican groups into communion with the Catholic Church, which Newman in an important way anticipated, Pope Benedict XVI can be seen as reviving the authentic ecumenism exemplified by St Josaphat. Placing in its proper context the modern ecumenical preoccupation with ‘dialogue’ and ‘co-operation’, the Holy Father has restated the Holy See’s enduring mission of calling men and women into communion with Christ in His Church.
In his homily at Mass in the Oratory Church, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, Jack Sullivan said: “This is Newman’s home, he lived here, he who changed my life. So now I have come home, yes come home, to the Oratory.”
Revd Jack Sullivan preaches at Mass in the Birmingham Oratory
Father Paul Chavasse celebrates Mass at the High Altar at the Birmingham Oratory, Revd Jack Sullivan assisting as deacon
To read the whole story:
Sullivan at the Birmingham Oratory: St Josaphat, Newman and true Ecumenism
The NLM is also pleased to present these additional photographs from today's events which were very kindly provided to us by our friends at the Birmingham Oratory.

Sullivan vesting for Mass