Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sandro Magister on Ecumenism under Benedict XVI

Sandro Magister has an article up considering the path of ecumenism found now in the time of Benedict XVI. Here is an excerpt:

[...] the communities that are ready to enter the Catholic Church are part of the "traditionalist" wing of the Anglican Communion.

Also traditionalist are the schismatic Lefebvrist communities that Benedict XVI is making increasing efforts to bring into obedience to Rome.

And also attached to the grand tradition are the Orthodox Churches which seem to be having more productive encounters with the current pontiff. From October 16-23 in Cyprus, the second round of dialogue – the first was in Ravenna, in 2007 – is being held between Catholics and Orthodox on the question of papal primacy, in the light of how it was lived during the first millennium.

Today more than ever, with Joseph Ratzinger as pope, the ecumenical journey seems not a pursuit of modernity, but a return to the terrain of tradition. [...]

To read the entire article: Knock, and It Shall Be Opened to You. As Long As It's According to Tradition

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