On October 6th, Br John McKenzie made Solemn Profession in Norcia. As always, the Mass included the mystical burial and resurrection ceremony, along with the Suscipe, litany and singing of the Vows. This time however, the Mass was offered in the extraordinary form as a Solemn Mass. Br Thomas acted as deacon and Fr Clement as subdeacon. Musica Traditio, the polyphonic choir from Perugia which sings for us on special occasions chose a beautiful Mass from a little known composer, Ludovico Grossi da Viadana (1560-1627).
Special guests in attendance were the Abbot of Grottaferrata with several of his monks, priests of the diocese of St. Louis, students of the Casa Balthazar and most importantly, Br John’s uncle, aunt and brother. A reception in the cortile of the monastery followed the Mass. Guests and monks alike were delighted to take part in the solemn ritual of profession. The extraordinary form added even greater grandeur to the rite.
They have provided some photos of the event. Here are a selection.

To see all the photos, visit: Notes from Norcia #20
Allow me to also take the opportunity to remind readers that the monks also provide live recordings of their liturgical life: Broadcasts from Norcia