The DVD shows the Abbey of Lagrasse itself and the life of the Canons therein and it is a remarkably well produced, visual and auditory treat. It will guide you (pleasantly, without commentary) through their horarium and in the process, show various aspects of their life at Lagrasse, not the least of which the solemn liturgical life lived there in accordance with the liturgical books of the usus antiquior.
They are selling these DVD's and I would most certainly recommend you at least order the 45 minute version so that you might learn more about these Canons, support them, and simply to provide yourself with 45 minutes of edification. (I should let you know that the 12 minute edition does carry some unique liturgical scenes not found in the 45 minute edition, so you may wish to consider ordering both DVD's.)
Here are some stills taken from the 45 minute version of the DVD. Enjoy. (Ordering information following the photos.)

Life at the Abbey

Entering Chapel


Practicing the Chant

Statue of the Virgin in the Chapel

Vesting for the Solemn Pontifical Mass

Pontifical Mass with the Abbot

"Dirigatur, Domine... Let my prayer, O Lord, rise like incense before Thee..."


The Holy Gospel

"Ecce Agnus Dei... Behold the Lamb of God..."




Solemn Pontifical Vespers


Reverencing an Icon of the Mother of God
To order the DVD, send 16 Euros (9 Euros for the 12 minute version) payable to "ICMD Librairie" and mail it, along with your shipping address, to:
Abbaye Canoniale Sainte-Marie,
Commande DVD,
6, rive gauche,
11220 Lagrasse
Readers may also be interested in the Friends of the Canonical Abbey of Lagrasse.