Monday, November 2, 2009
7:30 P.M.
Latin Requiem Mass
according to the Extraordinary Form

The Reverend Eric M. Andersen
Sung by
Cantores in Ecclesia
Dean Applegate, Director
Holy Rosary Church
Dominican Parish and Priory
375 NE Clackamas
Portland, Oregon 97232
Monday, November 2, 2009
7:30 P.M.
Latin Requiem Mass
according to the Extraordinary Form

The Reverend Eric M. Andersen
Sung by
Cantores in Ecclesia
Dean Applegate, Director
Most of the sung Latin liturgy will be taken from the Missa pro Defunctis of Giovanni Francesco
Anerio (1567-1630). Anerio held several musical directorships in Italy, including that of Santa
Maria dei Monti (1613-1621), and in later life became maestro di cappella at the Polish Court of
Sigismund III. His Missa pro Defunctis was first published in 1614 and was subsequently issued
separately in three further editions in the 17th century. His setting of the text of the Requiem
Mass perfectly blends traditional and new elements to form a setting both tender and stirring.
Anerio (1567-1630). Anerio held several musical directorships in Italy, including that of Santa
Maria dei Monti (1613-1621), and in later life became maestro di cappella at the Polish Court of
Sigismund III. His Missa pro Defunctis was first published in 1614 and was subsequently issued
separately in three further editions in the 17th century. His setting of the text of the Requiem
Mass perfectly blends traditional and new elements to form a setting both tender and stirring.
Holy Rosary Church
Dominican Parish and Priory
375 NE Clackamas
Portland, Oregon 97232