Still others will be familiar with Fortescue the liturgical and ecclesiastical historian, author of the The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy, of a three volume study on the various Eastern Churches, of The Early Papacy: To the Synod of Chalcedon in 451, and of The Greek Fathers.
We have also recently shown some of Fortescue the artist, specifically in the form of calligraphy and heraldry, but many may not be familiar with the fact that Fortescue was also an accomplished watercolourist:

Watercolour by Adrian Fortescue
Image courtesy of and © First Garden City Heritage Museum
I have had the privilege of seeing some of Fortescue's watercolours personally, which were better than that shown here, and which exuded a particular warmth and depth of colour. I was quite taken by them.
I share these aspects of Fortescue with you simply that you might gain a greater sense of the depth of learning, talent and personal interests of one of the most respected and referenced liturgical ceremonialists and thinkers in the English speaking world of recent times.