This is how the arrangement looked before yesterday (priestly ordinations 2008; click pictures to enlarge):

And this is how it looks now:

While one may regret that this suggests that the arrangement with the temporary platform covering the confessio and thus hiding the central element of the Basilica, the tomb of Peter, and impairing the visual connection of altar and confessio, is not going to change in the near future, it certainly provides a more dignified setting for the papal Masses than the grey covering used before.
Another point worth noting is that not only the Holy Father, but also the co-consecrators and all the new bishops wore the pontifical dalmatic:

And now for some impressions of the liturgy. The litany of the Saints:

The Gospel held over the heads of the newly consecrated:

Handing over of staff and mitre:

The canon of the Mass:

Due to the remaining effects of the Pope's wrist injury, he did not distribute Holy Communion himself, but the Cardinal Secretary of State did so in his place:

(Images: Fotografia Felici)