Mass in the Extraordinary Form was offered for (what we believe is) the first time in a great number of years (possibly since the reform) in St. Mary's chapel at Boston College on the Feast of St. Michael. Fr. Augustin Anda of the Boston Archdiocese was the celebrant. Men from Boston College's adoration group, the St. Thomas More Society, served at the altar. The "Schola Amicorum," which also sings at other local Boston EF Masses, provided chant. Roughly 25-30 people, a majority of them students, prayed at the Mass.

The NLM is told that this group of students has aspirations to have monthly Mass offered in the usus antiquior, as well a monthly Mass in the modern Roman liturgy which employs Latin and ad orientem.
As always, it is encouraging to see these matters approached from the lens of both forms of the Roman liturgy.