While still the Archbishop of St. Louis, Archbishop Raymond Burke commissioned the Saint Louis Hymnal for the Hours and also established the Institute of Sacred Music with Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, taking the role of director within the new institute -- all of which has since also been confirmed by the new Archbishop of St. Louis, Robert Carlson.
The NLM recently received an audio clip and copy of the Hymn for Lauds and Vespers for the Feast of St. Jerome, as well as a commentary and translation by the Rev. Mr. Dylan Shrader who is also at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary.
The music is based on traditional chant tones, adapted by Fr. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B. The text used is translation by Rev. Mr. Dylan Schrader.
The clip is sung by the schola cantorum of Kenrick, directed by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB.
On this, the Feast day of St. Jerome, it seems pertinent to share this new endeavor.
Translation and Commentary
St. Jerome Hymn Commentary
The Music:
St. Jerome Hymn 09 c