First, the NLM recently reported the installation of a new bishop in Finland, Mgr. Teemu Sippo, SCJ.
Some further photos have been made available of the new bishop taking possession of the St. Henry's Cathedral in Helsinki.
Of particular gratification is the use of the Benedictine arrangement -- inclusive of the seventh candle.

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As well, an NLM reader in Sweden sends in news of St. Joseph the Worker parish in Luleå, Sweden. Our reader tells us that this parish has been endeavouring to promote the liturgical life, moving from tri-weekly Masses to daily Masses, and is also offering devotions such as Eucharistic adoration and the public recitation of the rosary.
Recently as well, the parish added a monthly Mass in the usus antiquior to their parish liturgical life.
Here are some photos of their first Mass in the usus antiquior which was, I believe, celebrated on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the second anniversary of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.