The parish of Ss. Joachim and Anne is in the Interlagos region in the Southern zone of São Paulo (diocese of Santo Amaro). It is, as Salvem a Liturgia! reports, a "simple, humble, place in the periphery", and has, thus, all the factors which are often cited as reasons for not celebrating in Latin. Nevertheless, the parish priest, Fr. Tiago Roney Sanxo, decided to begin celebrating in Latin once a month, at first only according to the Missal of Paul VI (Ordinary Form), but with a view to eventually alternating between that and the usus antiquior (Extraordinary Form). Last Sunday, Feast of St. Anne (and in the new calendar also of St. Joachim) and therefore patrocinium of the parish church, the first of these Masses was celebrated (by Fr. Renato Leite, another diocesan priest), and not only in Latin with chant, but also versus Deum and using the Roman Canon. Here are some photos which also show the good participation of the faithful, contrary to widespread prejudices.

There also is a video of the Canon: