Pray the Rosary with Cardinal Newman (Product link)
The Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries with meditations by Cardinal Newman and reflections by Fr Werenfried
The Fathers and Parishioners of the Oxford Oratory
Gregorian Chant sung by the Oratory Schola
1. Inviolata, integra et casta es, Maria – Gregorian Chant
2. Introduction
3. Ave Maria – Gregorian Chant
4. Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary: Reflection
5. 1st Joyful Mystery
6. 2nd Joyful Mystery
7. 3rd Joyful Mystery
8. 4th Joyful Mystery
9. 5th Joyful Mystery
10. Stabat mater – Gregorian Chant
11. Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary: Reflection
12. 1st Sorrowful Mystery
13. 2nd Sorrowful Mystery
14. 3rd Sorrowful Mystery
15. 4th Sorrowful Mystery
16. 5th Sorrowful Mystery
17. Regina Caeli – Gregorian Chant
18. Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary: Reflection
19. 1st Glorious Mystery
20. 2nd Glorious Mystery
21. 3rd Glorious Mystery
22. 4th Glorious Mystery
23. 5th Glorious Mystery
24. Conclusion
25. Ave Maris Stella – Gregorian Chant
Total running time: 78.25