Galtür / Austria: High Mass at 1584 m altitude
A High Mass in the usus antiquior was offered on 4th of July at Galtür which belongs to the region of Tyrol / Austria. The Mass was part of a pilgrimage of the FSSP community at Innsbruck (Tyrol). The lovely baroque church, originally consecrated in 1383, still has, thanks to its 82 year old good parish priest, no altar facing the people. Celebrant and preacher was Rev. Fr. Daniel Eichhorn, FSSP, professor for dogmatics at St. Peter’s seminary at Wigratzbad and responsible priest for the Innsbruck FSSP community. The “Ensemble Sonoritas” from Innsbruck under direction of Matthias Melzer marvellously sang a beautiful polyphonic renaissance Mass, the “Missa tertia” by the German composer Hans Leo Hassler von Roseneck (1564-1612).
The beautiful pilgrimage was concluded with Benediction.
Monday, July 13, 2009
FSSP Pilgrimage in Tyrol
Gregor Kollmorgen
Fr. Daniel Eichhorn FSSP sends in these images and description of a recent pilgrimage: