This year's new seminarians:

Tonsures and minor orders (the officiating prelate is H.E. Msgr. Basil Meeking, Bishop emeritus of Christchurch, New Zealand):

Subdiaconate (also conferred by bishop Meeking):

Priesthood (these ordinations were not celebrated at the Institute's house in Gricigliano, but in the church of Ss. Michael and Cajetan in Florence. The ordaing bishop was H.E. Msgr. Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. Bishop Meeking and Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland attended in choro:

First blessings of the new priests:

After the ordinations, Te Deum was sung in Gricigliano by H.E. Msgr. Giuseppe Betori, the new Archbishop of Florence and thus ordinary of Gricigliano. It was Msgr. Betori's first visit there:

First Mass of one of the new priests:

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