As a light Friday evening diversion, and continuing our ongoing presentation of various examples of the liturgical arts that I believe work well in serving the dignity of the sacred liturgy, I wished to quickly share with you two examples that recently presented themselves to me, of surplices that I believe are particularly well-designed and would be worthy of imitation for parish priests (or donors) who may find themselves in a position to refresh/re-supply the parish sacristy.
The first comes from the 20th century liturgical arts journal,
L'Art d'Eglise:

(Click to enlarge)The second example was recently seen on
Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny and includes a nice example for those who might desire a more restrained use of lace-ornament:

Please do note that these two examples are not being proposed as the only models. They are merely samples that recently presented themselves, and often the NLM is asked for suggestions on matters such as these.