St. Clement's is one of the older FSSP parishes and its community has a history which pre-dates the Fraternity's own involvement there:
The story of St. Clement's parish is the story of a dedicated group of lay-people who essentially created their own parish from scratch. In 1968, then-Archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde authorized a small group of Catholics who remained attached to the Church's traditional liturgical heritage to continue to use the Latin Tridentine Mass. This group of lay people found an older priest who agreed to serve them in this desire, and they received permission to use the chapel of the Monastery of the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood on Echo Drive in Ottawa for Mass. In the early 1970s, the community was told to use the Mass of Paul VI, which they did, but using the Latin language.
The community continued to gather at the Precious Blood Sisters' Monastery until 1984 when the Sisters renovated their chapel. The Latin Mass community was given permission to salvage the original main and side altars from the Sisters' chapel. That year they acquired a small building of their own in the Ottawa suburb of Gloucester, which they renovated into a chapel, placed under the patronage of Saint Clement, Pope and Martyr, and furnished with the salvaged altars.
The community continued to use that chapel until the summer of 1993, when Archbishop Plourde's successor, Archbishop Marcel Gervais, made available the building pictured...
The Community had been served on an ad-hoc basis by three older priests who were familiar with the rubrics of the Tridentine Mass.
Source: Wikipedia
The remainder of their story is tied to the FSSP who began to staff the parish.
For those who are interested in parish histories, there is a book which details the history of this community, written by one its parishioners, Bernard Pothier, which was published in 1998. It is titled, A Continual Sacrifice. If you are interested in a copy of this publication, contact the parish.
This brings us to the present day:

For those who would prefer some video: