And the music:
April 8, 2009 - Service of Tenebrae
Lamentations I - Francisco de Peñalosa (c. 1470 – 1528)
Responses - Domenico Bartolucci (b. 1917)
Benedictus - Jacob Handl (1550 – 1591)
Christus Factus Est - Felice Anerio (1560 – 1614)
Miserere Mei - Gregorio Allegri (1582 – 1652)
April 9, 2009 – Vesperal Latin Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Ordinary Form)
Missa Pange Lingua - Josquin des Prez (1440 – 1521)
Domine tu mihi lavas pedes - Manuel Cardoso (1566 – 1650)
Ubi Caritas - Imant Ramnish (b. 1943)
Domine Iesu Christe in qua nocte - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 – 1594)
Pange Lingua - Anton Bruckner (1824 – 1896)