After the significant nominations of new Consultors to the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff last September (cf. NLM reports here and here), Pope Benedict today has made two very good appointments for Consultors to the Congregation for Divine Worship:The first is Mons. Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche, Vicar General of the Arcidiocese of Toledo (Spain), until recently the Vicar General of the new Prefect of the CDW and former Archbishop of Toledo. Mons. Ferrer has previously been mentioned on the NLM as co-organiser and participant in training workshops for the Extraordinary Form in Toledo (see NLM reports here and here).
The second new Consultor is Mons. Wilhelm Imkamp. He, too, is known to NLM readers as the rector of the pilgrimage church of Maria Vesperbild in the diocese of Augsburg, Germany, where he strongly encourages the reform of the reform, including celebration of the Ordinary Form ad orientem and the regular celebration of the Extraordinary Form (see NLM articles here and here). Last year, he had Archbishop Ranjith, the Secretary of the CDW, as clebrant of the main Mass at the pilgrimage site (the NLM reported here).