His Grace the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Msgr. Julián Barrio Barrio, last 19 March made a
canonical visitation to the parish of St. Christopher in Briallos, entrusted to priests of the Fraternity of Christ the Priest and St. Mary Queen. The Archbishop celebrated Pontifical Mass in the Ordinary Form, wearing the pontifical dalmatic and a chasuble in the traditional Spanish cut. The altar was arranged in what we have come to call the "Benedictine Arrangement", including the seventh candle for the celebrating ordinary. and covered with a nice Roman frontal. While this may not seem much to some, keep in mind that much of the restoration of the sacred which the Holy Father is inspiring has not yet been taken up in many places and especially by many bishops, so it is always welcome and a reason to give thanks when we see another place where this is happening.
Here are some images, unfortunately a bit shaky, but giving a good impression nevertheless: