The Pontifical and Royal Archconfraternity of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene, the Holy Cross in Jerusalem and of Mary Most Holy of the Conception (
Archicofradía Pontificia y Real de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, Santa Cruz en Jerusalén y María Santísima de la Concepción) of Seville, popularly known as "El Silencio", celebrated yesterday the fourth day of a five day celebration in honour of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene with Mass in the usus antiquior. The celebrant was spiritual director of the Confraternity, Fr Parrilla. "El Silencio" was thus the first of the Sevillian penitential confraternities (which have their impressive processions during Holy Week) to recuperate the Extraordinary Form for its solemn acts. Una Voce Sevilla, which helped to organise the celebration has
pictures, here are some of them:

Note the presence - traditional in the
orbis hispanicus - of ministers in tunicles:

Thanks to
Hoc Signo for the tip.