The news is a bit older, but since it had not been mentioned before, and it is especially welcome to see the usus antiquior thrive beyond Europe and America, it is well worth noting that last August 15th, Feast of the Assumption, the Monsignor Augustine T. Ukwuoma, Bishop of Orlu, Nigeria, raised the Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter at the Nne Enyemaka Shrine in Umuaka (Imo State, Nigeria) to the status of Personal Parish (art. 10 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum). You can read the entire history of this apostolate here. Some pictures of the solemn Mass for the occasion, at which Msgr. Ukwuoma together with his predecessor, Msgr. Gregory Ochiagha, attended, follow below.
In case you wonder where the diocese of Orlu is situated, I have taken two pictures from my atlas hierarchicus (click to enlarge). The first shows it within Nigeria and its neighbouring countries, while the second shows it in somewhat greater detail within the metropolis of Onitsha:

And now for the pictures of the Solemn Mass of the Assumption:

Apparently the event was covered by the local media:
Thanks to Una Voce Málaga for the tip.
In case you wonder where the diocese of Orlu is situated, I have taken two pictures from my atlas hierarchicus (click to enlarge). The first shows it within Nigeria and its neighbouring countries, while the second shows it in somewhat greater detail within the metropolis of Onitsha: