As an aside, and for the attention of our vestment makers and enthusiasts, I must say that I am quite taken by the design of the dalmatic and tunicle seen here. They seem to mix some of the very best elements of both the baroque and gothic revival.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Institute of the Good Shepherd: St. Eloi, Bordeaux
Shawn Tribe
We haven't shown anything from the main church of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, St. Eloi in Bordeaux, France for some time, so a couple of recent images from a Mass there by one of their newest priests seemed in order.

As an aside, and for the attention of our vestment makers and enthusiasts, I must say that I am quite taken by the design of the dalmatic and tunicle seen here. They seem to mix some of the very best elements of both the baroque and gothic revival.
As an aside, and for the attention of our vestment makers and enthusiasts, I must say that I am quite taken by the design of the dalmatic and tunicle seen here. They seem to mix some of the very best elements of both the baroque and gothic revival.