Toronto Oratorians sent in some very exciting news that will be both of interest to those eager to see the application of the motu proprio
Summorum Pontificum in a parish setting that uses both forms of the liturgy, as well as to those in the Toronto region who are considering where to attend that evening.

The Mass, which will be offered at
St. Vincent de Paul church in Toronto, will be a Solemn Mass in the
usus antiquior. This will be the second solemn Mass offered by the Toronto Oratorians in recent months -- something the NLM hopes we will continue to see grow as it offers the fullest glimpse of the Roman liturgical tradition.
The Mass setting will be Palestrina's
Missa Dies Sanctificatus, along with motets by Palestrina and Victoria.
A choral prelude will begin at 11:35pm.
The NLM hopes to report upon the event for you as well after it happens, but I would impress upon readers in the Toronto region of the importance of supporting endeavours such as these which bring the full richness of the
usus antiquior to bear.
Knowing the liturgical excellence of the Toronto Oratory generally, you won't be disappointed.