NLM friend Daniele Di Sorco of the
Rinascimento Sacro blog has written in to let us know that he has composed a 2009 Liturgical Directory for the
usus antiquior. The Liturgical Directory or Ordo recitandi is a calendar for the year, in which there are printed against each day concise directions concerning the Office and Mass to be said on that day. This directory follows the traditional model in every respect, including being written entirely in Latin. It is composed according to the calendar of the Universal Church, and seems to be, from what I have seen, quite excellent. In its 60 page introduction it contains a wealth of information regarding, among other things, tables for the moveable feasts and days and their proclamation in the Mass of the Epiphany, concise schemes of the different kinds of offices and where their parts are taken from, the different kinds of votive Masses and Masses for the dead, useful decisions by the SCR (e.g. about when the Leonine prayers can be omitted).
Here are some sample pages to give you an idea (click to enlarge):

The Directory can be bought at, either for download (€ 4.99, i.e. about $ 7.20) or as a book (€ 14.99, i.e. about $ 21.60.