A little more on the Traditional Sung Requiem to mark the 450th anniversary of Cardinal Pole's death (following Br Lawrence Lew's post with his excellent photos). I thought NLM readers might be interested to hear the very interesting and balanced sermon by Fr John Osman, which I managed to video. So, with Fr Osman's permission, here it is. It is 14 minutes long.
That length of video can be uploaded to Google Videos but not to Youtube. I plan in future to use Google, partly for this reason but mainly because of Youtube's refusal to remove videos of various desecrations of hosts stolen from Catholic churches. I hope other Catholic bloggers will do the same.
Here are a couple more photos.

The Mass was very successful; the setting of Magdalen College Chapel is wonderful, and the Schola Beati Thomae Abelis sang extremely well under the direction of Mr Adrian Taylor. It was Fr John Osman's first Traditional Sung Mass. There has been quite a bit of publicity about these Masses, including an article in The Times; it even got a mention in the previous week's Tablet.