From St. Colman's Society for Catholic Liturgy:
St. Colman’s Society for Catholic Liturgy is pleased to announce that it will sponsor the second Fota International Liturgy Conference which will be held at the Sheraton Hotel, Fota Island, Cork, 10-11 July 2009.
The theme of Fota II will be: Benedict XVI on Beauty – Issues in the tradition of Christian Aesthetics.
The forthcoming Conference will explore aspects of the writings of Pope Benedict XVI on questions of aesthetics – which he addresses when considering the Sacred Liturgy.
The Conference will be moderated by Dr. D. Vincent Twomey, SVD, Professor Emeritus, Maynooth College, Ireland and a member of the Ratzingerschulerkreis.
A full list of speakers is currently being prepared and will shortly be released.
Details for registration etc. will follow.
For those interested, the Acta of the First Fota International Liturgy Conference, held in July 2008, are currently being edited and will be published as soon as possible. Pre-publication copies, at reduced rates, may be ordered through the Secretary of St. Colman’s Society for Catholic Liturgy at: