Through the kindness of Mr. Pat Bucy, a parishioner, and Mr. Jesson Mata, the parish music director, I now have nore photographs of the Parish Centennial Dominican Rite Solemn Mass celebrated at Blessed Sacrament Church in Seattle WA on August 8, 2008. These are in order as the Mass progresses and complements the previously published photos. If you would like to see all the photos together I will soon make them all available at Domincan Liturgy.
Before I begin the Mass photos, here is one of the statue of Our Holy Father St. Dominic, decorated for his Feast.Here we seen the major ministers in procession to the altar, just as they are about to pass through the communion rail into the sanctuary. They have their amice-covered capuces up, as is our practice. You can also see that the amices are decorated with an apparal to match the albs.
Here the ministers have arrived at the altar and just risen from genuflecting to the reserved Sacrament. In moment they will bow for the Confiteor and the acolytes will turn in, holding their candles.
The Confiteor finished, the ministers form a line with the acolytes flanking each other below. This is the "cross" formation, which is taken by the mnisters when they are about to swing to the side, which they will all soon do for the reading of the Officium (as we call the Introit) and Kyrie at the Epistle Side.
Here we see the two acolytes, the crucifer, and the turifer in formation to begin the Gospel Procession (photo previously posted). In a moment the major minsters will join them.I already posted a photo of Fr. Michael Sweeney, O.P., President of the Dominican School of Philosophy and the Theology, whic serves the Western Province House of Studies in Oakland CA, who preached the sermon. Here is another one, which gives a good view fo the altar. Notice the covered chalice resting on the humeral veil. It was brought in procession to the altar by the subdeacon during the singing of the Gloria.
Here the celebrant, Fr. Daniel Syverstad, O.P., has turned to greet the congregation with the Dominus Vobiscum that introduces the Offertory. The ministers are in the "cross formation" and you can just see the deacon, Fr. Anthony-M. Patalano, O.P., lifting the front of Fr. Daniel's chasuble, something done whenever the priest raises his hands at a greeting facing the people.
Here we see the ministers in the "triangle" formation, just before the Elevation. The deacon is holding in his right hand the censer, with which he will incense during the elevation, while he holds up the back of the chasuble with his left hand. The acolytles hold their processional candles (our form of elevation torches) and the thurifer kneels between them to complete the "triangle." The subdeacon, of course, kneels quietly, holding the paten under his humeral veil.Here we see the celebrant kissing the Pax Instrument. He has just dropped the particle in the chalice and kissed it. The deacon will then take the Pax to the subdeacon.
Here the ministers have taken the flanking position for the Communion Preparation. They are just bowing over for the Confiteor. In front you can see several of the 10 friars who assisted in choir. They are postrating in the venia for the Confiteor and Ecce Agnus Dei (an addition from the Roman Rite added to our liturgy in 1959).
To give some idea of the crowed church, here is Fr. Thomas Kraft, O.P., parochial vicar at Blessed Sacrament distributing Communion at the rail. There where nearly 900 people in a church that holds about 700.
Here we see the deacon and subdeacon holding the water and wine cruets for the Ablutions. When the priest has consumed the these, the deacon will fold the corporal and put it in the burse, and the subdeacon will dry and remake the chalice. Then he will take it all to the sacristy.
We close with a shot of the procession leaving the sanctuary. I understand that images of the Dominican Solemn Mass at Holy Rosary in Portland on Sunday, August 10, will soon be ready. I will post them when they arrive.