In other news, five nuns of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (Mother Angelica's order) will be taking up residence at the parish to form their own monastery.
Two recent photos from other liturgies, one for Divine Mercy Sunday, and the other possibly the solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul by the red vestments, are also particularly striking. The number of concelebrants in the latter appears to be unusual for this parish's masses, where two deacons and a priest seems to be the norm for Sunday high mass, as seen in the former photo; both are nonetheless handled well rubrically. Note, in the second photo, the servers bowing low, which occurs, according to local parish custom, when the Words of Institution are spoken. The simple but well-cut and strategically-ornamented vestments are also worthy of comment.

These, and many more photos can be found at the website of Our Lady of the Atonement, which is definitely worth your time.