Minor orders being conferred by Bishop Basil Meeking (em. of Christchurch, NZ):

Ordination to the Diaconate, also by Mgr. Meeking:

Priestly ordinations by Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, in the Institute's splendid Florentine church:
Mgr. Burke vesting - you can see that he is wearing the rochet under the amice:

On the way to the altar - you can see that the Bishop has not yet put on the maniple which is being carried by the Subdeacon:

A good view of the church:

The newly ordained concelebrating:

Unfolding of the chasubles:

In the evening of the day of the priestly ordinations, Te Deum was sung and then there was a dinner on the terrace of the seminary and generalate in Gricigliano; here we see Msgr. Schmitz, the American Superior:

And here are some images of the First Masses of the newly ordained:

Sicut prima, sicut una, sicut ultima: