Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More from the recent ICRSS Ordinations

Having recently seen some images form this year's ordinations for the Institute of Christ the King, the Institute's European site has now released a more comprehensive collection of photographs. Here is a selection:

This year's new seminarians of the Institute after having been invested with the soutane:

Minor orders being conferred by Bishop Basil Meeking (em. of Christchurch, NZ):

Ordination to the Diaconate, also by Mgr. Meeking:

Priestly ordinations by Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, in the Institute's splendid Florentine church:

Mgr. Burke vesting - you can see that he is wearing the rochet under the amice:

On the way to the altar - you can see that the Bishop has not yet put on the maniple which is being carried by the Subdeacon:

A good view of the church:

The newly ordained concelebrating:

Unfolding of the chasubles:

In the evening of the day of the priestly ordinations, Te Deum was sung and then there was a dinner on the terrace of the seminary and generalate in Gricigliano; here we see Msgr. Schmitz, the American Superior:

And here are some images of the First Masses of the newly ordained:

Sicut prima, sicut una, sicut ultima:

More recent articles:

For more articles, see the NLM archives: