Here are some pictures (click to enlarge):
The seven candles:

The Holy Father and Patriarch Bartholomew have entered the Basilica:

Incensation of the altar - note the statues of Sts. Peter and Paul on the altar:

To the right the statue of St. Peter vested in pontifical vestments:

The Latin deacons:

A good view of the new papal pallium:

The deacons bringing up the pallia from the confessio of St. Peter:

The new metropolitan Archbishop swearing their oath of fidelity:

The pallia:

Imposition of the pallia - here we see the only Cardinal among them, Cardinal Njue of Nairobi, Kenya:

The successor of the Holy Father on the See of St. Corbinian:

Quam oblationem:

Archbishop O'Brien of Baltimore was a concelebrant:

Communion on the tongue kneeling, as is now the standard and as announced in the recent interview of Msgr. Marini: